速報APP / 教育 / Yup — Math Tutoring App

Yup — Math Tutoring App



檔案大小:72 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Yup — Math Tutoring App(圖1)-速報App

Provide your child with math tutoring the moment they need it!

Whether your child is stuck on homework, up late studying, or struggling to learn a concept, they can use the Yup Math Tutoring App to get 24/7 help from expert tutors.

How does Yup work?

Once your child has the app downloaded on their phone or tablet and a plan has been purchased, they open the app and get started:

Snap a photo of a math problem or concept

Get connected to a Yup tutor right away

Yup — Math Tutoring App(圖2)-速報App

Work with our tutor to solve the problem together

If your child doesn’t have a phone or tablet or their own, they can use yours! Simply use your number when signing up for a plan.

Plans and Pricing

We know that finding affordable and high-quality math tutoring is a challenge. In-person tutoring can easily add up to hundreds of dollars per month, and that’s only for two hour-long sessions per week. Yup plans start at just $87 per month, and every plan guarantees unlimited access to teaching from expert tutors.

- You can choose the length of your child’s Yup plan so that it fits their school schedule, whether they need tutoring for a year or just a semester

- Our 2-week guarantee ensures you can try Yup for 2 weeks and receive a full refund if it’s not the best fit

Yup — Math Tutoring App(圖3)-速報App

- Plans for 6 months and longer give the flexibility to pause and resume whenever you need, whether for school holidays or breaks

Visit yup.com/select-plan to learn more!

How is Yup different?

Familiar Learning Tools

- All tutoring takes place on smartphones and tablets

- Your child works with tutors using familiar mobile tools like messaging and photo-sharing

Yup — Math Tutoring App(圖4)-速報App

- Tutors use a virtual whiteboard to illustrate math concepts and show tutoring steps

Exceptional Tutors

- Yup tutors are current and former teachers, education professionals, and graduate students with an average of 5 years math teaching experience

- All of our tutors pass a rigorous subject test and teaching exam

- Only 5% of applicants are accepted to become Yup tutors

Unlimited Support

Yup — Math Tutoring App(圖5)-速報App

- Yup tutoring is available for your child 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

- Tutoring is unlimited, so your child never has to worry about running out of time or number of sessions

- Yup tutors tailor each session to your child’s individual preferences and learning needs

Why Parents Choose Yup

- Yup is an app for learning, not cheating! Our tutors make sure students understand concepts versus simply giving away the answer

- App-based, 24/7 availability means no more making appointments or driving to tutoring centers

Yup — Math Tutoring App(圖6)-速報App

- All tutoring sessions are made available to view in the Yup Family Portal, so you can review your child’s progress

Subjects Covered by Yup

- Early Math

- Pre-Algebra

- Algebra

- Algebra II

Yup — Math Tutoring App(圖7)-速報App

- Geometry

- Trigonometry

- Pre-Calculus

- Calculus AB

Yup tutors also cover Integrated Math (Math 1, Math 2, Math 3) and all K-12 grade Common Core math. Yup can also be used for SAT and SAT II preparation.

Yup — Math Tutoring App(圖8)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad